We spoke with Mark Hayes, who participated in the 2023 Rising Stars programme. His project focused on charity. At the time of Rising Stars, he was the Deputy Manager at Belushi’s London Bridge. He has since been the General Manager at Belushi’s Hammersmith, a role he’s held for just over a year.
Q1: What inspired you to join the Rising Stars program at Beds & Bars?
I wanted to see what Beds and Bars was about. Collaboration, idea sharing, and continuous learning are crucial to innovation. The Rising Star program was providing a valuable opportunity to develop teamwork and foster growth. My focus on charity, a cause that deeply inspires me, made the project especially meaningful and rewarding.
Q2: Can you describe a memorable moment or achievement from your experience in the program?
At the end of the program, after all the build-up, when we finally did the presentation in front of everyone, there was a lot of nervousness and anxiety. But once we started talking, it just rolled off the tongue because we had practiced so much. The relief and support from everyone after we finished were incredible. It was rewarding to see all our hard work pay off.
Q3: How has Rising Stars helped you grow personally and professionally?
When I first started, I was more observant, watching the others speak up. But as we worked together, I learned to adapt and use my skills in new ways, especially by understanding different personalities. Rising Stars allowed me to collaborate with people from various backgrounds, which helped me grow and improved my teamwork and communication.
Q4: In what ways has the program shaped your career aspirations?
Rising Stars opened my eyes to working with diverse teams. I’ve already been working at London Bridge, a high-demand site, but Rising Stars gave me the chance to see how people from different roles and countries approach challenges. It helped shape my thinking and public speaking skills, which I see as valuable steps for my career progression.
Q5: What skills or knowledge have you gained from Rising Stars that you find most valuable in your role?
Public speaking was a key skill I worked on. I never really noticed things like looking down or where my hands were when speaking, but Rising Stars made me more aware of how I present myself. Another valuable skill is working collaboratively. In a group, we’d take the best ideas from everyone and combine them into a cohesive plan. No idea is perfect, but by working together, we could create something really strong.
Q6: How has Rising Stars helped you overcome challenges, like public speaking?
Rising Stars put me in situations where I had to face my fears head-on, like speaking in front of large groups or projecting my voice in public spaces like the square in Barcelona. It was nerve-wracking, but after doing it, I realised it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. The program definitely built my confidence in handling public speaking challenges.
Q7: What advice would you give to new participants in the Rising Stars program?
Enjoy it! Don’t stress about having the perfect idea from the start. You’ll evolve your idea as you go along. The more you discuss with others, the more your concept will grow. Also, remember to have fun and enjoy working with the team. They are there to support you just as much as you are to support them.
Q8: Share an interesting or unique fact about yourself during the Rising Stars program.
Sure! I was really lucky to be accepted into the Rising Stars programme, and it was even more exciting when I found out that Barcelona and Berlin were part of the destinations. I had planned to visit both cities, so getting the chance to go there for work was a lovely coincidence. I was able to explore the cities, visit the Belushi’s locations, and see how they operated, everything from the bar setup to food delivery and how the staff interacted with customers. It was a great opportunity to enjoy the cities while also learning and putting in the work. It felt like both a personal and professional privilege.
Mark’s reflections on his time in the Rising Stars program highlight the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone, learning to work with diverse personalities, and embracing challenges. His experiences serve as an inspiring reminder of the personal and professional growth that can come from such programmes.